The Narrative Phallacy

However, the sit-com is a completely different subject, isn’t it, Mr Turner? After all, it was only through that genre that you and your kind managed to convince America that teenagers could only either get pregnant or arrested for drug possession.

Mrs Banner: Why, Lucy, it is starting to show, isn’t it?

Lucy: What? I wonder how it could be, Mrs Banner, didn’t Alicia tell you that I had an abortion couple of months back…?

Alicia Banner turns around and starts heading towards the door…

Mrs Banner: Alicia? Where do you think you are going?


Meanwhile, Bruce Banner is sitting at the dining table, trying to read the paper. He throws his glasses on the table and stands up full of wrath.

Bruce Banner (screaming red): You yapping women, you just… yap, yap, and yap…


Bruce Banner: Keep on going at it and I’m gonna get really angry…


Bruce Banner: And you all know only too well that you don´t like me when I get like that!


While they had their momentum in the eighties and nineties, now we can only look back at all those subproductions with subtle contempt, as a moment in which exceptional clarity characterized (and boldly declared) the designs of the entertainment industry. After all, they represent but an endless array of scenes that prove once and again Reagan era morals (or lack of thereof) to be true, according to the moral system they themselves set up. Yet assuming this specific truth as an unquestionable one –a result of the intense conditioning provided by Television— should lead the audiences to an internalization of the idea that they are nothing but cast characters in a re-run. Should but does not, we should add.

So, Mr Turner, it’s time to turn to the audience and answer the big question:

Where did you learn your tricks?

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